Aku mampir2 di
Blog ,,aku nemu info ini,, pentiing juga menurutku, buat kamu kamu
yang mau lanjutin Kuliah di Luar negri, lebih tepatnya di negara
favorit kita,, hahaha Korea Selatan ^^..
aku juga berniat loh ^^
okk ini dia,, cekidot
ini dari http://idn.mofat.go.kr/languages/as/idn/main/index.jsp
A. Beasiswa pemerintah
ㅇ Beasiswa(S2) pemerintah Korea – Ministry of Education,
Science and Technology
- Dalam bahasa ingris : Korean Government Scholarship Program
for Graduate Course
- Pelamar : Seluruh dunia yang ada berhubungan dengan Korea
- Jurusan : Seluruh bidang
- period : S2 : 2 tahun, S3 : 3 tahun
Kursus bahasa Korea : 6 bulan~1.5 tahun
- Biaya subsidi : Tiket pesawat pulang balik, tuition,
biaya hidup ₩ 90ribu/bulan, biaya research, asuransi
- Jumlah pilihan : 000 orang
- Period pendaftaran : Biasanya bulan Maret~April
- Asosiasi dan hubungan :
Ministry of Education, Science and Technology – National Institute
for International Education
☏82-2-3668-1356, www.niied.go.kr gukje@mest.go.kr
ㅇ Beasiswa(S1) pemerintah Korea – Ministry of Education, Science and Technology
- Dalam bahasa ingris : Korean Government Scholarship Program for Graduate Course
- Pelamar : Seluruh dunia yang ada berhubungan dengan Korea
- Jurusan : Seluruh bidang
- period : S1 : 4 tahun, kursus habasa Korea 1 tahun
- Biaya subsidi : Tiket pesawat pulang balik, tuition, biaya hidup ₩ 80ribu/bulan, asuransi
- Jumlah pilihan : 000 orang
- Period pendaftaran : Biasanya bulan Februari ~ Maret
- Asosiasi dan hubungan :
Ministry of Education, Science and Technology – National Institute
for International Education
☏82-2-3668-1356, www.niied.go.kr gukje@mest.go.kr
B. Beasiswa dari organisasi
ㅇ Beasiswa Asia tenggara bagian kesenian – Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism
- Dalam bahasa ingris : Art Major Asian(AMA) Scholarship
- Pelamar : Ahli kesenian di seluruh dunia
- Jurusan : Kesenian(musik, tarian, seniman, tradisional)
- period : S1 : 4 tahun, S2 : 2~3 tahun
- Biaya subsidi : S1, S2 : ₩ 18,000 rb/tahun
- Jumlah pilihan : 20 orang
- Period pendaftaran : Bulan 6 ~ 7
- Asosiasi dan hubungan : Korea National University of Arts
☏82-2-746-9073, www.knua.ac.kr, ama@knua.ac.kr
ㅇ The International Scholar Exchange Fellowship
- Dalam bahasa ingris : The International Scholar Exchange Fellowship
- Pelamar : Professor or Researcher in Asia countries
- Jurusan : Humanity, Science, Society, Energy, Information and communication
- period : 1 tahun
- Biaya subsidi : biaya research 2,200 ribu/bulan, Ticket Pesawat, Insurance
- Jumlah pilihan : 50 orang
- Period pendaftaran : sampai 15 Februari
- Asosiasi dan hubungan : The Korea Foundation for Advanced Students
☏82-2-552-3641, www.kfas.ac.kr
ㅇ Beasiswa dari Korea scholarship
- Dalam bahasa ingris : Scholar for Students from Abroad
- Pelamar : orang asing yang sedang mengikuti S2(lebih 2semester)
- Jurusan : rata-rata kredit atas 3.0/4.5(2.8/4.3)
- period : max 3 semester
- Biaya subsidi : tuituion fee, biaya research ₩ 2,000 rb/tahun
- Period pendaftaran : bulan 1-2
- Asosiasi dan hubungan : The Korea Scholarship Foundation for the future leader
lalu ini ada sedikit info yang aku dapet
Korean Government through National Institute for International Education (NIIED) invites 100 international students from 59 cuntries to pursue bachelor degree at Korean Universities.
The objective of the Korean Government Scholarship Program for an Undergraduate Course is to provide international students with the opportunity to conduct advanced studies at higher educational institutions in Korea in order to promote international exchanges in education and mutual friendship between the countries.
Quota of the scholarship
Quota of Scholarships
Indonesia , Malaysia, Mongolia
Cambodia, Kazakhstan, Laos, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand
Azerbaijan , Bangladesh, Colombia, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guatemala, Kyrgyzstan,Nepal, Russia, Pakistan, Peru, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Uzbekistan, Turkey
Afghanistan, Angola, Bolivia, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Congo(DRC), Dominican Republic, East Timor, El Salvador, Gabon, Guinea Bissau, Hungary, Iran, Japan, Kenya,, Lebanon, Mauritania, Mexico, Nigeria, Panama, Paraguay, Poland, Romania, Senegal, Sweden, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Togo, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Ukraine, Yemen
About the program
The program is an undergraduate degree courses for four years after successfully completing a one-year Korean Language Training. The courses is provided by Korean universities designated by NIIED. Please note that any direct application to NIIED is not accepted.
Prospective applicant must meet the following qualification criteria:
Required Documents:
Inha University Admission Team
253 Yonghyun-Dong, Nam-Gu, Incheon, 402-751, Korea.
Please write : “Application for the Korean Government Scholarship Program” on the Envelope.
Deadline of Submission: Nov. 1(Mon) 09:00 am ~ Nov. 19th (Fri) 17:00 pm.
Question for application & submission of required documents:
Inha University International Center
Tel: (+82)32-860-7034
Beasiswa S1 Kyungsung University Busan Korea Selatan
Pemerintah Korea Selatan membuka kesempatan kepada lulusan SMA/Mahasiswa Semester Awal Perguruan Tinggi, untuk mendapatkan beasiswa S1 100 % & Uang Saku di semua fakultas dan jurusan.
Syarat-syarat bagi yang berminat :
Untuk Beasiswa S1 ke Korea Selatan edisi tahun 2011 dapat dilihat di: Beasiswa Korea Selatan 2011
atau bisa visit ke www.indonesiaseoul.org [ini KBRI di Seoul]
Buat yang mau bener-bener belajar di negara gingseng sana harap kontak ke Kedubes korea di Indonesia ini di kontaknya. dan saran saya… berkunjung lah kesana dan tanya-tanya mengenai hal ini. klo kamu mau ngelanjuti S2 di UGM dan UI ada banyak info… main ke sana dan tanya-tanya (bagian S2 tentunya)
ㅇ Alamat
– The Plaza Office Tower, Lt. 30
Jl. H.M. Thamrin Kav.28-30, Jakarta Pusat 10350
ㅇ E-mail
– koremb_in@mofat.go.kr
ㅇ Telepon Kedutaan
- 021-2992-2500 (Hunting)
Fax Kedutaan
– 021-2992-3131
ㅇ Telepon Konsular
- 021-2992-3030
ㅇ Fax Konsular
- 021-2992-1700
※ Konsular dan Visa
– Telp : (62-21) 520-8950
- Tax : (62-21) 525-3967
ㅇ Hari Senin~Hari Jumat(08:30~12:00, 13:30~16:30)
※ Konsular dan Visa : Hari Senin~Hari Jumat(09:00~12:00, 13:30~16:30)
np: Hati-2Hati dalam mencari info… lebih baik ke kedubesnya langsung atau ke univ. yang ada program tuk sekolah di korsel
aku juga berniat loh ^^
okk ini dia,, cekidot
ini dari http://idn.mofat.go.kr/languages/as/idn/main/index.jsp
A. Beasiswa pemerintah
ㅇ Beasiswa(S2) pemerintah Korea – Ministry of Education,
Science and Technology
- Dalam bahasa ingris : Korean Government Scholarship Program
for Graduate Course
- Pelamar : Seluruh dunia yang ada berhubungan dengan Korea
- Jurusan : Seluruh bidang
- period : S2 : 2 tahun, S3 : 3 tahun
Kursus bahasa Korea : 6 bulan~1.5 tahun
- Biaya subsidi : Tiket pesawat pulang balik, tuition,
biaya hidup ₩ 90ribu/bulan, biaya research, asuransi
- Jumlah pilihan : 000 orang
- Period pendaftaran : Biasanya bulan Maret~April
- Asosiasi dan hubungan :
Ministry of Education, Science and Technology – National Institute
for International Education
☏82-2-3668-1356, www.niied.go.kr gukje@mest.go.kr
ㅇ Beasiswa(S1) pemerintah Korea – Ministry of Education, Science and Technology
- Dalam bahasa ingris : Korean Government Scholarship Program for Graduate Course
- Pelamar : Seluruh dunia yang ada berhubungan dengan Korea
- Jurusan : Seluruh bidang
- period : S1 : 4 tahun, kursus habasa Korea 1 tahun
- Biaya subsidi : Tiket pesawat pulang balik, tuition, biaya hidup ₩ 80ribu/bulan, asuransi
- Jumlah pilihan : 000 orang
- Period pendaftaran : Biasanya bulan Februari ~ Maret
- Asosiasi dan hubungan :
Ministry of Education, Science and Technology – National Institute
for International Education
☏82-2-3668-1356, www.niied.go.kr gukje@mest.go.kr
B. Beasiswa dari organisasi
ㅇ Beasiswa Asia tenggara bagian kesenian – Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism
- Dalam bahasa ingris : Art Major Asian(AMA) Scholarship
- Pelamar : Ahli kesenian di seluruh dunia
- Jurusan : Kesenian(musik, tarian, seniman, tradisional)
- period : S1 : 4 tahun, S2 : 2~3 tahun
- Biaya subsidi : S1, S2 : ₩ 18,000 rb/tahun
- Jumlah pilihan : 20 orang
- Period pendaftaran : Bulan 6 ~ 7
- Asosiasi dan hubungan : Korea National University of Arts
☏82-2-746-9073, www.knua.ac.kr, ama@knua.ac.kr
ㅇ The International Scholar Exchange Fellowship
- Dalam bahasa ingris : The International Scholar Exchange Fellowship
- Pelamar : Professor or Researcher in Asia countries
- Jurusan : Humanity, Science, Society, Energy, Information and communication
- period : 1 tahun
- Biaya subsidi : biaya research 2,200 ribu/bulan, Ticket Pesawat, Insurance
- Jumlah pilihan : 50 orang
- Period pendaftaran : sampai 15 Februari
- Asosiasi dan hubungan : The Korea Foundation for Advanced Students
☏82-2-552-3641, www.kfas.ac.kr
ㅇ Beasiswa dari Korea scholarship
- Dalam bahasa ingris : Scholar for Students from Abroad
- Pelamar : orang asing yang sedang mengikuti S2(lebih 2semester)
- Jurusan : rata-rata kredit atas 3.0/4.5(2.8/4.3)
- period : max 3 semester
- Biaya subsidi : tuituion fee, biaya research ₩ 2,000 rb/tahun
- Period pendaftaran : bulan 1-2
- Asosiasi dan hubungan : The Korea Scholarship Foundation for the future leader
lalu ini ada sedikit info yang aku dapet
Korean Government through National Institute for International Education (NIIED) invites 100 international students from 59 cuntries to pursue bachelor degree at Korean Universities.
The objective of the Korean Government Scholarship Program for an Undergraduate Course is to provide international students with the opportunity to conduct advanced studies at higher educational institutions in Korea in order to promote international exchanges in education and mutual friendship between the countries.
Quota of the scholarship
Quota of Scholarships
Indonesia , Malaysia, Mongolia
Cambodia, Kazakhstan, Laos, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand
Azerbaijan , Bangladesh, Colombia, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guatemala, Kyrgyzstan,Nepal, Russia, Pakistan, Peru, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Uzbekistan, Turkey
Afghanistan, Angola, Bolivia, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Congo(DRC), Dominican Republic, East Timor, El Salvador, Gabon, Guinea Bissau, Hungary, Iran, Japan, Kenya,, Lebanon, Mauritania, Mexico, Nigeria, Panama, Paraguay, Poland, Romania, Senegal, Sweden, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Togo, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Ukraine, Yemen
About the program
The program is an undergraduate degree courses for four years after successfully completing a one-year Korean Language Training. The courses is provided by Korean universities designated by NIIED. Please note that any direct application to NIIED is not accepted.
Prospective applicant must meet the following qualification criteria:
- Must be a citizen of the country to which scholarships are offered (see the table above),
- Should be under 25 years of age as of March 1, 2011,
- Have an adequate health, both physically and mentally,
- Persons who are pregnant or having severe illness may not apply,
- Have finished or be scheduled to finish formal education of elementary, middle, high school as of March 1, 2011,
- Exceptional acceptance for a person who will have finished high school as of September 1, 2011 and who will be able to have level 3 in TOPIK until then,
- Possess above 80% (out of 100%) in a grade point average (G.P.A.) of the whole school years of the high school attended or within top 10% among graduates in the same year,
- Not at any time have received a Korean government scholarship for his/her undergraduate study before,
- Not have enrolled in an undergraduate course in Korea before,
- Preferential selection for applicants who are good at Korean or English.
- Economy class airfare of the shortest route between aplicants home country to Korea when they come to Korea, and, thereafter, when they leave Korea after completion of their study,
- Monthly Allowance: 800,000 won per month,
- Tuitions: The full tuition is exempted by NIIED and the entrance fee for the first semester by the host university,
- Settlement Allowance: 200,000 won upon arrival,
- Repatriation Allowance: 100,000 won upon completion of studies,
- Korean Language Training Expenses (The full costs up to 1 year, NIIED pays directly to the language training institution),
- Medical Insurance, the grantees will be provided with health insurance for major accidents and illnesses during their scholarship period.
Required Documents:
- One Completed Application Form (on a prescribed form: RD-1, please see NIIED website),
- One NIIED Pledge (on a prescribed form: RD-2),
- One Self-introduction Essay (on a prescribed form: RD-3),
- One Study Plan (on a prescribed form:RD-4),
- Two Recommendation Letters (from two different referees stated below, on a prescribed form: RD-5),
- One original Personal Medical Assessment (on a prescribed form: RD-6),
- One original Certificate of Health authorized by a doctor (on a prescribed form: RD-7, Only applicable for candidates who have successfully passed through the selection procedure set by the institution in charge of recommendation of candidates),
- One original Copy of High School Diploma,
- One original Copy of High School Grade Trans,
- One original Copy of the Applicant’s Passport. Application for issuance of a passport can be replaceable instead. The Certificates of Citizenship of the Applicant and his/her Parents (A birth certificate or a copy of passport, etc.),
- One original Copy of a Certificate of Korean or English Proficiency (if applicable, it should be issued within 2 years from as of March 1, 2011).
Inha University Admission Team
253 Yonghyun-Dong, Nam-Gu, Incheon, 402-751, Korea.
Please write : “Application for the Korean Government Scholarship Program” on the Envelope.
Deadline of Submission: Nov. 1(Mon) 09:00 am ~ Nov. 19th (Fri) 17:00 pm.
Question for application & submission of required documents:
Inha University International Center
- Related to the admission :
Email: alexjung@inha.ac.kr
Tel: (+82)32-860-7204
- About the program
Tel: (+82)32-860-7034
Beasiswa S1 Kyungsung University Busan Korea Selatan
Pemerintah Korea Selatan membuka kesempatan kepada lulusan SMA/Mahasiswa Semester Awal Perguruan Tinggi, untuk mendapatkan beasiswa S1 100 % & Uang Saku di semua fakultas dan jurusan.
Syarat-syarat bagi yang berminat :
- Memiliki nilai studi SMA /akademis di atas rata-rata (Berprestasi).
- Memiliki atau didukung prestasi lain yang terkait secara langsung dengan prestasi studi/akademis.
- Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi Bahasa Inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan.
- Mengikuti seleksi tahap pertama pada tanggal 9 &11 Januari 2010, jam 10.00. WIB, yang akan diselenggarakan di Yayasan Kyungsung Indonesia, dengan membawa ; photokopi nilai rapor selama studi di SMA, potocopy indentitas diri, photokopi piagam atau bukti prestasi lainnya dan harus didampingi orang tua. (Proses Seleksi Tidak Dipunggut Biaya)
- Bagi pelajar (telah lulus SMA) /mahasiswa yang berminat harap dapat memberi konfirmasi minimal 2 hari sebelum pelaksanaan seleksi di selenggarakan.
Untuk Beasiswa S1 ke Korea Selatan edisi tahun 2011 dapat dilihat di: Beasiswa Korea Selatan 2011
atau bisa visit ke www.indonesiaseoul.org [ini KBRI di Seoul]
Buat yang mau bener-bener belajar di negara gingseng sana harap kontak ke Kedubes korea di Indonesia ini di kontaknya. dan saran saya… berkunjung lah kesana dan tanya-tanya mengenai hal ini. klo kamu mau ngelanjuti S2 di UGM dan UI ada banyak info… main ke sana dan tanya-tanya (bagian S2 tentunya)
ㅇ Alamat
– The Plaza Office Tower, Lt. 30
Jl. H.M. Thamrin Kav.28-30, Jakarta Pusat 10350
ㅇ E-mail
– koremb_in@mofat.go.kr
ㅇ Telepon Kedutaan
- 021-2992-2500 (Hunting)
Fax Kedutaan
– 021-2992-3131
ㅇ Telepon Konsular
- 021-2992-3030
ㅇ Fax Konsular
- 021-2992-1700
※ Konsular dan Visa
– Telp : (62-21) 520-8950
- Tax : (62-21) 525-3967
ㅇ Hari Senin~Hari Jumat(08:30~12:00, 13:30~16:30)
※ Konsular dan Visa : Hari Senin~Hari Jumat(09:00~12:00, 13:30~16:30)
np: Hati-2Hati dalam mencari info… lebih baik ke kedubesnya langsung atau ke univ. yang ada program tuk sekolah di korsel
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